As a child, time seemed so slow. I remember lying in bed listening to Christmas music on my transistor radio waiting for the arrival of Joly Old St. Nick. There was such excitement in the anticipation. Now, as an adult, time seems to be moving so fast. Looking back through the years, I have found a pattern in my life. I tend to be a destination thinker. When I was 20, I wanted a job and freedom to follow my dreams. When I arrived on the set of SNL, I wanted more…. and more… always more.
How do we slow time down so that our hearts and our minds can keep up? I really struggle with this within my life. I so want to embrace where I’m at… take pause, unplug the clock and live within that childlike anticipation once again. Yet, the mystery is no more. Right?
Wrong. I don’t want to live like that. When I disciple myself to lean into Time, I start noticing that mystery surrounds me everywhere. Only when I ponder, look up, do I marvel in the pure mystery under the eagle’s wings. Or, I notice a single flower that manages to define all the odds and birth itself within the crack of cement. And even though our lives could be imploding, there is such beauty in brokenness.
Maybe, go with me on this, but maybe, just maybe, I’m the mystery. You’re the mystery. Life is the mystery. We are all struggling and juggling and doing it imperfectly. I believe there is beauty even in the growing pains of letting go of TIME. So, when I take pause to realize the mystery of LIFE, a question bubbles up in my mind, “Have I taken advantage of the time I’ve been given?”.
I believe time should not be measured by length. I believe time should only be measured by the depth of the moment of impact.